Market Update

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Kasper & Associates Market Update: Hammerin’ Hank

Many folks in North Texas are overwhelmed by the success of the Texas Rangers baseball team.  To date they are in first place in their division and recently had six players chosen for the All-Star game.  With that in mind I decided to relay a story about two of the greatest baseball players who are […]

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Kasper & Associates Market Update: Broadband Antenna Technology

For just over 6 years Kasper & Associates (K&A) has been working with George Samuel, President and CEO of MCW Wireless, regarding the sale of its technology which is applicable for use in both the Cellular Tower Antenna sector and in handheld devices (i.e. smart phones, tablets, etc.).  George and I were introduced to each […]

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Kasper & Associates Market Update: “SELLER’S MARKET”

Although we’ve turned the page on the calendar for the New Year, some things remain the same.  We’re still enjoying a Seller’s Market in the merger & acquisition environment with interested and financially capable buyers significantly outnumbering those ready to sell their companies.  This means that companies that go to market today have many interested […]

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“Becoming Comfortable with Selling” Podcast

I enjoyed sitting down with Rob Schulz, Owner of Schulz Wealth, for his P&L (Priorities and Lifestyle) Podcast.  Titled “Becoming Comfortable with Selling”, we covered a lot of ground, including what a business owner can do to increase the value of their business, how to prepare a company for sale and some of the emotional […]

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Kasper & Associates Market Update

The migration from California to Texas continues for a variety of reasons.  Four of the top seven counties for relocations are located in North Texas.  In the spirit of “Don’t California My Texas”, we’d like to welcome our new residents with one of our favorite Success Maxims (#9 if you’re counting), the “Texan Code of […]

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Kasper & Associates Market Update

Heating Up After an unseasonably cool and rainy beginning to summer, Texans are now back to reality with our normal August triple digit temperatures.  Along with the hotter weather, we’re experiencing the M&A market heating up as well.  In most years we see an increase in seller activity after Labor Day.  However this year that […]

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35 Years

Kasper & Associates Market Update 35 Years In 1984, while federal politicians and national media folks continued a decade old prediction of a global cooling catastrophe (sound familiar to global warming?), Kasper & Associates was launched. During the Winter of K&A’s first year, my son Layne (who is now Managing Partner) and I walked across […]

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Kasper & Associates Market Update

The following excerpt from Economist Ray Perryman’s “The Perryman Report & Texas Letter” provides a long-term projection for the Texas economy.  He concludes that Texas will remain one of the strongest states for job creation and economic growth. The start of a new year is typically a time when business owners contemplate moving ahead with […]

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Wide Open for Business

The market for Texas companies continues to be “Off the Charts”.  The reason?  Could it be that for the 14th year in a row Texas was selected “Best State for Business” by Chief Executive Magazine?  Or is it because Texas has no personal income tax; is a right-to-work state; and is one of the top […]

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Kasper & Associates Market Update

The following article from economist Ray Perryman recently appeared in the Fort Worth Business Press.  While growth in the Texas economy isn’t new, the projections here match what we’re hearing from our clients.  Companies manufacturing products for defense contractors are especially optimistic about increases in defense spending while those supporting the oil and gas industry […]