Current Projects

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Along with our traditional merger and acquisition activities, Kasper & Associates has recently taken on several unique projects which highlight our capabilities and expertise:

  • Intermediary Negotiators: A wholesale distribution company was approached by a competitor suggesting a merger of the two companies.Since the competitor is owned by a private equity group skilled in negotiating transactions, the owners knew they needed a strong team on their side.And since they are talking with a direct competitor, confidentiality is very important.The owners have retained K&A to represent them in discussions and handle all correspondence in the most discrete manner.
  • Opportunity Evaluation: In a similar situation, a manufacturing company was approached by a company in a complementary industry proposing a sale to the manufacturer.The owners turned to K&A to evaluate the strategic opportunity and provide guidance in relation to valuation, transaction structure and due diligence.
  • "Real World" Valuation: On two occasions, K&A has provided market valuation information to partners in businesses seeking an internal buy-out.Different from a valuation used for tax purposes or estate planning, a market valuation is based on region-specific and current market information, or “what a real buyer would be willing to pay”.
  • Mentor: A wholesale distribution company owner with cash-flow challenges approached K&A about locating an equity partner.After meeting with the owner, learning about the company and analyzing financial data, we determined that many of the cash-flow challenges could be solved operationally rather than financially.Our distribution expert is involved in a mentoring role to assist the business owner in addressing her concerns.

The common theme of these projects is K&A’s ability to apply its experience and market knowledge to business owners in important transactions.While our main business is seller-side representation to a wide market, we are always happy to bring our skills to other types of projects.

We sincerely appreciate the referrals we receive and are available to visit with you or your clients concerning questions about how we can be of assistance.

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